Tharun P Karun's Blog

Create Windows 8 Bootable USB Drive

As you all would heard about the new Operating system from Microsoft called “Windows 8” and day by day everyone is downloading it! Wanna test Windows 8? Don’t have a DVD drive like if your using netbook which doesn’t include DVD drive or ran out of disc and would you like to install Windows 8 via USB drive? Well you can! Its simple.

First, Download Windows 8.

Above, I have included Windows 8 64-bit & Windows 8 32-bit, Just select anyone of it. If you aren’t sure which one you can use, Just right click “Computer” and click Properties. There you could see “System Type” which tells if your system is currently using 32-bit OS or 64-bit OS.

All right, After that Download & Install Windows 7 USB/DVD tool

Launch that tool, Click Browse and choose Windows 8 ISO file that you have downloaded & click Next.

Now choose the “USB drive” option from the drop-down menu and click “Begin Copying” button.

It would take some time for the process to complete. Just be patient.

That’s All. Now restart your PC and plug in the USB drive at the BIOS screen and you could see the Windows 8 Installation.